3chillies are Sitecore Gold Partners who specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems. The following section provides more information on the Multilingual functionality within Sitecore. After reading this section, we encourage you to learn more about the Sitecore Experience Platform, and the Sitecore Implementation services that 3chillies provide. MULTILINGUAL, MULTI-NATIONAL WEBSITES Companies that serve a multinational market may be required to deliver information in a list of different languages for a host of different countries. Sitecore makes managing a multilingual site easy. WORKFLOW FOR TRANSLATIONS Sitecore’s Workflow functionality can be configured to automatically send new website content over to the translators. This eliminates the potential for human error, ensuring that content is available in every language before it is published. CONTENT LANGUAGE VERSIONING Built-in versioning capabilities make it easy to update website content, compare with older document versions, and revert back to a previous edition if necessary. This functionality is particularly useful for building multilingual websites. Not only can you store multiple versions of each page in each language, but translators will be also be able to view the document in one language whilst they translate it to another, all in the same browser window. CATERING FOR CULTURE A website can be managed in any number of languages and cultures. For example you might build two pages: EN English and US English, so as not to appear that spelling errors have been made in the website. Avoid alienating your customer groups by providing content in the language they speak. Learn about other Sitecore features >>>
Marketing Automation 3chillies specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems, with a particular emphasis on the Sitecore CMS. The following section provides more information on the Marketing Automation functionality ...
User Accounts 3chillies are Sitecore Gold Partners who specialise in developing and implementing high performing websites and content management systems. The following section provides more information on the workflow functionality within Sitecore. After reading ...
DMS As a highly active award winning Sitecore Development Agency, 3chillies have established a deep understanding of Sitecore’s platform and its various modules. The DMS (Digital Marketing System) is one of the most important, and most sought after, ...