Applications rarely sit in isolation. They often need to be integrated.
Inegrating applications with your core sytems and business processes invariably adds value. Integrations help to drive efficiency, reduce duplication, support the integrity of data, minimise risk and deliver great customer or employee experiences.
Integrations come in many different flavours.
A Content Management System (CMS) and your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. A website with an ecommerce or booking solution. Integrating an ERM system with a case management system. And a long list of others.
An integration can make all the difference to streamlining a process, elevating an app or increasing your website stats.
It can also add value to your CMS and even support a “composable”, best-of-breed ecosystem with different applications working together.
We’ve worked on a vast number of systems integration projects.
Integrations often feature within our projects. We’ll work with you to investigate and analyse what you need and work out the best way to deliver the integration. These can be both complex and very straightforward.
We’ll also map the data to work out what goes where and when.
Sometimes there are out-of-the-box connectors that can deliver what you need or work as a starting point to then customise.
Often we will use an API (Application Programming Interface) to deliver an integration. If that isn’t in place we can build an API layer, which can also support future integrations too.
And then we can continue to support the integration, addressing any issues if there is a change in one of the systems.
Unlimited possibilities
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