Get the Sitecore Superhero Seal of Approval
Our Audits are designed to identify the demons deep within your Sitecore system, giving you the chance to take corrective action against the underperforming code, before things get out of hand.
If you’ve never had your Sitecore website externally Audited, it's time to call the Sitecore Super Heroes. Organise an Audit today and get the Seal of Approval, from 3chillies.
>>> Organise an Audit
Guardian, otherwise known as “Lord of the underground”, was born to patrol Sitecore’s underlying architecture and its hosting environment. Guardian’s report provides insight on:
The Professor.
The Professor has a keen eye for detail. She systematically wades through the code, checking for best practice, clean markup, and Search Engine Optimisation issues. Her report details:
Heatwave is an ally of the Google Bots. If your site is running like a dog he'll get to the bottom of it, and if it's not mobile friendly he'll supply a remedial plan. His report provides insight on:
Major Rock.
Major Rock is the world’s no.1 Sitecore security soldier. He runs a tight ship, ensuring that sites are free from vulnerabilities and security threats. His reports contain information on:
It all starts with the Audit. This is where we dive in and analyse your Sitecore platform at both code & customer level. We’ll also review your system documentation and examine your recent support history/performance issues. At the end of the Audit, you'll receive a digestible report which details our findings, along with costed recommendations for fixes and optimisations.
This is where we turn those recommendations into reality. After you’ve decided on the best course of action, we’ll make the modifications your Sitecore platform needs to give it Superhero status.
If you feel safe in the hands of the Sitecore Superheroes and you wish to continue the journey with us, we’ll onboard your website and begin to create a knowledge-base so that we can effectively support your platform. To help us help you, we might also install and configure additional monitoring systems during this phase.
Maintain your awesomeness with our remarkable support team. Our range of support packages can be tailored to your organisation’s needs, giving you peace of mind that you're operating an efficient platform.
Identify the issues that really matter. Our reports are simplistic, jargon-free, and prioritised.
All work is performed under a strict non-disclosure agreement
Organise an initial telephone /face to face kick-off meeting.
3chillies will perform the Audit. Audits may take place on-site or remotely.
Receive the Audit report and consider making the necessary fixes.
>>> Organise an Audit / Request a Callback
Complete the form to register for a Sitecore Audit, from the Sitecore Super Heroes!